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Stacey Allen '11, SM '15: Freshman Urban Program I had a wonderful public service experience through the Freshman Urban Program (FUP) during my time at MIT. The people I met at FUP were literally the first MIT students I met on campus, as I participated in the program during pre-orientation as a freshman in 2007. To this day, some of my very best friends are those that I met as a FUPper. >>> read more |
Janelle Wellons '16: Leadership Training I became an activities mentor for high school students in the Greater Boston area through the Leadership Training Institute (LTI) program just last year. My role in the program was to help the students acquire leadership skills and experience personal growth that they could use to present and implement sustainable community service projects by the end of the program. >>> read more |
Prof. Gabriella Carolini: Public(s) Service My experiences with public service have not been so much about particular events or series therein, but about the value structure and objectives driving my professional life and more. Within the urban planning community, we are often reminded that the word "public" even is not so much conceived as a singular as it is a plural. >>> read more |
Dr. Natalie Kuldell: Building Community Around Education Dr. Kuldell, a faculty member in the Department of Biological Engineering, developed a free, open-access educational curriculum to engage middle- and high-school students in biological engineering and synthetic biology. She is also one of the Boston leaders for a grassroots network of individuals eager to engage the public with science. >>> read more |
Kirin Sinha '14: Math and Movement Kirin, a senior in mathematics, developed SHINE, a free eight-week program for seventh-grade girls in the Boston/Cambridge area that combines formal dance classes with a tailored math curriculum. >>> read more |
Derek Brine MEng '10, MCP '10: Evaluating Technology for the Developing World Since working with Pure Home Water in Ghana as a DUSP-PSC Intern in 2008, Derek has dedicated his career to serving the developing world. Today, Derek works at MIT as associate director for the Comprehensive Initiative on Technology Evaulation (CITE) in D-Lab, which evaulates products designed for the developing world. >>> read more |
Julia Kurnik '06: Life in the Public Service Sector After her time at MIT, during which she was involved with the PSC, Julia would go on to work for President Obama's 2008 campaign and first-term administration. She currently serves as an online crisis volunteer for RAINN while studying social enterprise and policy. >>> read more |
Nancye Mims: Disaster Corps Volunteer Nancye, who works in the MIT Alumni Association, made it her mission to help with Haiti's rebuilding efforts after the country was devastated by an earthquake in 2010. In addition to volunteering in Haiti, she also has worked with Habitat for Humanity in Mississippi and with Partners in Health in Boston. >>> read more |